Since its foundation Stream Software has been striving for efficiency gains for all users. This is why Stream Software started a partnership with adore4customs. Their knowledge of AI technology and reading unstructured data complements our core values enormously.

Declarants or customs brokers still often receive their orders by e-mail. A short description of what is expected of them, with a set of documents in attachment. Often, declarants have to look for the right information themselves, in order to draw up a customs document and send it on, preferably by yesterday... In many cases, the information or documentation obtained is incomplete, so the declarant has to go back to his client to get the data set complete. A very inefficient process, resulting in loss of time.

Integration with Customs Streamliner®

The application of adore4customs is an ideal add-on to our Customs Streamliner®. The AI-algorithms of adore4customs analyse the unstructured data, and propose a full dataset to complete a declaration. The data set can then be read into our Customs Dossier, where it is enriched with specific customs data. From here, the correct scenarios are called upon to send in the correct procedure or declaration (automatically or otherwise). Of course, the checks of our Declarant Assist can still screen the declaration before it is sent to Customs.

Avoiding double entry and minimising the margin of error are just some of the core values within the operation of our application. Stream Software aims at ensuring that the declarant performs a control function with a minimum loss of time within the process of creating a customs document.

The problem of manual input of unstructured orders is largely eliminated with this tool, so that the customs broker can spend his or her time efficiently. By linking to Stream Software's Customs Dossier, these unstructured order flows can still be processed automatically, with a minimum of human intervention.

In the meantime, a first link with Customs Dossier has been successfully set up with one of our key accounts. For a business flow focusing on NCTS documents, the orders are read into the tool of AE, and then processed within Customs Streamliner® in a customs compliant manner!

Adore4customs was developed by AE

Adore4customs was developed by AE, a Belgian and independent player in IT-consultancy. With over 20 years of experience and 360 talented experts, they help organisations to digitally transform better and faster. The development of adore4customs fits within their long-term vision to offer digital products for niches where digital transformation can make a difference.

More info on adore4customs, be sure to check out

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